
Monthly Subscriptions

Single Purchase / Bundle

Separate Fees & Charges

$60 per hour for miscellaneous services, billed based on usage
Miscellaneous services include extensive emailing; writing reports, assessments, and letters; text-based communications for those who are not subscribed to a plan

** Sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes unless otherwise discussed.

** Making services accessible is a priority for me.
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like a payment option not listed here.

Grow Therapy icon

Insurances Accepted (Ohio only at this time): 




Bind (United Healthcare)

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Cigna (& Cigna EAP)




United Healthcare (& United Healthcare EAP)

United Medical Resources

United Student Resources

Some benefits of Grow Therapy include: 

BetterHelp icon

BetterHelp does NOT accept insurance, however, they do offer payment plans depending on communication preferences and frequency of sessions. Some benefits of BetterHelp include: 

Some limitations include: